Thursday, September 27, 2012

I like the gym...

Dear World,

I have gone to the gym everyday since Friday, September 21st. That might not sound like a lot, given it is the 27th but for me that is huge. I hate the gym. I hate exercising. I hate sweating. I hate working hard. So what got me to go for a week? (I have to miss tonight, but will be going Saturday morning to pick up the's a work thing, I can't help it.)


It's this crazy, intense form of weightlifting that gets you looking like this:

Ladies! You can play too!

Seriously. This what these people at my gym look like. And here is the weird part:


The workouts are about an hour long, include a warm up, a strength exercise and then a kill-yourself-to-get-all-this-shit-accomplished-in-15-minutes portion.

There are pullups, row machines, multiple 400 meter runs, mid air situps, pushups, squats, deadlifts, snatches (tee-hee), kettleball swings, throwing shit, lifting shit, swinging on shit. It's ridiculously fun.

If you want to get in some other shape than the one you're currently in, I cannot recommend it enough AND if you're in the Chicagoland area my gym is called Hardware Crossfit and they are awesome. Here is what my coach looks like:

...but REALLY cool. 

That's the other thing. Everyone is extremely supportive. If you're struggling, all of a sudden the rest of the group is cheering you on. Can't figure out how to jump and spread your feet apart while holding 115lbs just under your chin while you flip your elbows under the bar? They pull you aside and help you learn; step by step. They want you to succeed, to do well and make you feel/look awesome. 

I want to go back right now. This won't become a fitness blog, but just know that this is what I'm doing and I'm trying to get myself a 6-pak for Christmas. We'll see how that goes...




1 comment:

  1. Mike, I LOVE CrossFit. I've been doing it for 2 years now and I actually just started training at my gym last month. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! If you ever want to geek out about our silly fitness cult, I'm here. :)

    (Your quasi-friend from the good old days of Adult Swim College Reps)
